Monday, October 31, 2011

If it wasn't for Red Cross Donations this Vampire would Die.

The celebration is in FULL SWING on my side of the pond... which for those of you who aren't keen to my Halloween habits, this means... I'm watching "ROCKULA"! If you haven't seen it, and terribly cheesy 90's cult musicals are your kind of thing... I suggest you check it out. Little known fact about me: I'm TERRIFIED of scary movies... so I don't do the whole "let's watch Saw 75" thing very well. The closest you'll get me to a scary movie is a classic Vincent Price film, which for the record still kind of terrify me.
So, as promised, Here are a few snaps from London... nothing too crazy... but I will probably post more at a later date!
Enjoy your Halloweeny =)
The hostel that we stayed at! My first time in a hostel wasn't as scary as I'd imagined... it was actually pretty nice!
Much to Courtney's excitement, we stumbled upon Chinatown!
Me, with potentially the funniest street sign I've seen.
The whole reason we went to London!
Our scrumdiddlyumptious cuppy-cakes.
On the bus on the way home... we realized we hadn't taken any pictures TOGETHER the entire trip!
Alright, y'all. It's halloween... and I have some finishing touches to put on my costume... so hop to it, trick'r'treaters.
Mad Love.

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