Thursday, June 23, 2011

In A London Flat, You're Where It's At

For as long as I can remember I've wanted to live in the United Kingdom.
I always joke with my parents that as soon as I graduate I'm packing up, moving to London, and marrying a Beatles impersonator... preferably John.
Well 90 credit hours, a failed attempt to intern in Washington D.C., and 2 applications to study abroad later... it looks like my wish is being granted this September =)
I was recently awarded a scholarship to study abroad in Wales for a semester!!!
Sure, it's a little sooner than I expected, but there are NO complaints here.
Living in the UK... FOR FREE?! Probably better than I could have ever imagined.
This is where I'll be going to school... In Swansea. How gorgeous is that campus?!

I will be studying Media and Literature, just like I do at home... and will have more information on what classes I'll be taking after I meet with my advisor this afternoon.
Needless to say, I'm stoked. I can't even begin to describe how thankful I am that I've been awarded this opportunity.

It's taken a lot of Girl Power to get me where I am today and I'm ready to start my journey in Wales [[and share it with you]]
Mad Love.

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