Yes, I have a crap-ton of pictures today... but there COULD have been more. Deal.
Let me just say... Chiquito's + PlayZone + Rob Ryan = recipe for DELICIOUS.

The other night, while at Odessey, Courtney and I spotted the ONLY mexican restaraunt in Swansea. Yes, TRAGIC, I'm aware. However, upon discovering it... it became obvious that we must eat there... at the soonest possible moment. So, we did. It was over-priced, but the daquiris and fajitas were scrumdiddlyumptious, so all in all, it was worth the price of admission.

Immediately following Chiquito's? PLAYZONE. An ADULT JUNGLE GYM. YEAH. ADULT. JUNGLE. GYM. It was as magical as it sounds. I think it was the most fun I've had since I've been here... I looked, felt, and acted like I was five for a good portion of our stay... and I loved. every. minute.

Going down the GIANT slide. It was such a great life decision to only wear leggings... I slid SO fast and got some crazy air when we went triples.

Lil' Dipper and LaSarah... represent.

See how steep that slide is?! It was like STRAIGHT down. Here we have the mayors of slide county, Yushi and Dave, doing what they do best... ruling the slide.

Friday night, when we got home from Playzone, I had a skype date with my Sistaaahfriend and Brotha D-Money. It was nice to see their pretty faces. I miss 'em like crazy (but don't tell them that).

Saturday, Nick, Courtney, and I went to Mumbles... Aka: THE HOME OF CATHERINE ZETA JONES. Though we didn't have any actual star-sightings, we did have an INCREDIBLE visit. Lots of inspiration in such a quaint little town. Check out those centerpiece Cupcake Flowers... So. Precious.

I about died when I saw this table... The best part is... it would be so incredibly easy to DIY. New dining table, Ash?

The three amigos looking cozy in the streets of Mumbles.

While at a small shop in Mumbles, I fell in love with Rob Ryan. He's a London artist full of quirky cuts, precious words, and joyful inspiration. It might look relatively simple, but it really touched me as we flipped through his books. I may or may not have cried in the middle of the shop, OK?!

I'm hoping these plates are still there Tuesday... because I'm definitely going back for them. Maybe the book too!
Upon arriving home that night, we made a WHOLE chicken, with leeks and onions, and homemade mashed potatoes. We also did laundry, sat around and chatted with Kyle, Freddie, and Kate, and looked up how and where we could meet Rob Ryan. The good news? The food was amazing, the company was equally delicious, and I AM MEETING ROB RYAN ON SATURDAY. Yeah... That last part is the best, huh?
Details to follow... because, let's face it, I need something to tell you about later this week.
Mad Love.
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