I know you're probably going to hate me for this, but I also neglected to bring my camera along for most of my journeys. I know you're supposed to be able to see the world through my eyes... But I don't know if my lens can do it justice. Plus, my camera is pretty bulky, and not always carry-along friendly. However, I did manage to snap some pictures of my week so far!!

Of course, You know I went to London!! This was taken outside of Buckingham Palace! It was such a gorgeous day. Jacqueline, Melissa, and Alex are three of my good girl friends here... and of course, the girl on the far right is me ;)

This is the Caleb "friggin" Dobster... who is one of my flat mates and soulbrothas. A few of us went to the beach the other day, because it's been abnormally nice here lately, and played a little frisbee. Well, Courtney and I took a little beach nap, but the rest played.

Here are Allison and Melissa on the bus to the beach. We must ride this bus 6 times a day, whether we're going to town, school, or even Mumbles to do a bit of shopping.

Taking some time for a much needed beach afternoon with my girl, Courtney. She is probably one of my favorite people in the world right now. #GoldenGrahamsFuheva

We tried to get a shot with the beach in the background... which obviously was only possible if my camera was lodged in a pile of twigs... Hey, you get what you pay for.

This is on the walk back from the beach. It's the pathway from the main road to campus, and it's absolutely beautiful in the evening.

This, however, is probably the highlight of my week, so far. TACO SALAD. We have been trying to continue our "family dinner" tradition, since we are all split up in the Village now. Thank the Lawd for Taco Bell seasoning; without my TB... I may be a royal pain. Some of our other dinners have included Spaghetti, Hamburgers and 4 cakes, and tonight: Chicken and Potatoes. MMM.
There are more photos to come, of course, because others bring their cameras an we share via Facebook. It's just a matter of when they choose to post their pictures ;) I mean, what kind of blogger would I be if I didn't share our "Uni Prom Pictures" with you?! ...Be excited... be very excited.

Mad Love.
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