Sometimes, we all just need a little chocolate.
Lawd knows Courtney and I did on Friday night... So off to Tesco we went to gather supplies to make Sex in a Pan. Easy peasy: make a chocolate cake, poke some holes in it, fill the holes with caramel and sweetened condensed milk, top it with whipped cream and candy bar crumbles (we chose toffee crisp). Knowing that devouring the entire thing was not in our best interest, we walked across the street to Alex's house and pawned it off on her and her flat mates ;) I don't know who appreciated it more... them or our tummies!

Courtney and I being proud little Betty Crockers... She also made some KILLER Beef and Broccoli that night. We usually rotate cooking nights with a few of the other American students, because we all have the tendency to over-cook!

Surprisingly, Saturday night is not poppin' in the UK like it is in the US... it's more like a conglomeration of 40+ drunkios wearing dresses the size bandaids and acting like they're 14. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are the big nights over here... however, tonight is "carnage" which is apparently the biggest party to come through the UK. Courtney and I spent all morning bedazzling our carnage shirts, so it better be fun!
"The Haunting of Hill House" is staring me in the face... and I should have it read by tomorrow... so I should probably hop to it, scooter.
Mad Love.
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