Last Friday night the school hosted something called "Freshers Ball," which from what I understood was a cross between prom and a rave... Now, while that all sounds like a good time, they charged 15 pounds for entry, and I could think of about 74 things I'd rather spend my moolah on. I wasn't alone in this thought- so, seven of us ended up getting all dolled up and eating at "The Carvery" across from the village. They have thanksgiving style food... cranberries, freshly carved turkey, mashed potatoes... and it's all unlimited!
Of course, no "prom/rave" would be complete without a photo session. This one perfectly depicts our group. Caleb- always bracing himself for what might come out of Courtney's or my mouth. Courtney and I- always being silly and saying/doing the weirdest things. Melissa- being absolutely adorable at all times.
Nick was so proud of his 41 pound suit. He went on and on about how good he looked all night... so of course, he had to be the center of our prom affections in this picture.
These girls mean the world to me. Allison, Bianca, Courtney, and Melissa are what keep me sane. Each girl is so amazing in her own way. I love 'em already!
Of course the night was not over for the true "prom dates". After dinner, Courtney and I had some serious food babies to dance off so we headed down to Wind Street with Kyle, Alex, Bas, and Freddie and danced the night away! Again, I should have brought my own camera with me, because it was a night that definitely deserved to be photographed all the way through.
Mad Love.
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