If you've been following my life for a while, you'll know by now that I'm not a person who likes to "sit around". I feel very unproductive when I'm not doing something. I understand that many of the ways I choose to spend my time aren't necessarily what you would call "productive" though. Never the less, an afternoon spent walking around town is better than an afternoon spent in my room. Which is exactly what I'm doing right now... and possibly also why I've spent the last 6 hours eating my feelings.
Just ask my room-mate, Caleb. He found out just how stir-crazy I get when I don't have an activity to keep me entertained. So, doing the best he could to keep me from eating a second bag of eclairs, he called a craft night. AKA: Let's cut stuff up and draw marshmallows with feelings.
Knowing this would inevitably end up in hilarity, I decided to take a few pictures... however, some of the feelings the marshmallows expressed are not suitable for all ages, so I have only included the blank slate.
Some times all you need is a pair of scissors and a sharpie to make the world better.

This was our pile of victims... ahem... scrap paper.

Caleb working diligently on his marshmallow shapes.

My inspirational art... haha.

More scraps of crap to add life to my bland walls.

The marshmallow clan. Lookin' good.
So, obviously, I'm going a little stir crazy only having 3 classes... I know I shouldn't complain. But with a limited budget and even less room... I'm starting to wish it wasn't illegal for me to work overseas.
Mad Love.
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