Monday, October 31, 2011

If it wasn't for Red Cross Donations this Vampire would Die.

The celebration is in FULL SWING on my side of the pond... which for those of you who aren't keen to my Halloween habits, this means... I'm watching "ROCKULA"! If you haven't seen it, and terribly cheesy 90's cult musicals are your kind of thing... I suggest you check it out. Little known fact about me: I'm TERRIFIED of scary movies... so I don't do the whole "let's watch Saw 75" thing very well. The closest you'll get me to a scary movie is a classic Vincent Price film, which for the record still kind of terrify me.
So, as promised, Here are a few snaps from London... nothing too crazy... but I will probably post more at a later date!
Enjoy your Halloweeny =)
The hostel that we stayed at! My first time in a hostel wasn't as scary as I'd imagined... it was actually pretty nice!
Much to Courtney's excitement, we stumbled upon Chinatown!
Me, with potentially the funniest street sign I've seen.
The whole reason we went to London!
Our scrumdiddlyumptious cuppy-cakes.
On the bus on the way home... we realized we hadn't taken any pictures TOGETHER the entire trip!
Alright, y'all. It's halloween... and I have some finishing touches to put on my costume... so hop to it, trick'r'treaters.
Mad Love.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Reach Deep and Release your Inner-Child

We are the the way home.
This bus is bumpy and kind of smells like a sweaty b-hole. (Sorry to be graphic.) Nonetheless it's transportation and who am I to be picky?
I have just slept for an hour and 24 minutes. Success. That means I have 3 hours and 36 minutes left. 35 now. I will probably use 90% of this time in the same useless way. It seems to be the best option- seeing as the only thing I can make out past the windows are the passing headlights and they aren't all that interesting.
Just got a whiff of toilet... Jealous? Oh, the perks of being on the back of the bus.
Today was everything a trip should be. Aimless, sugary, and all around delightful. We started off the day eating granola on the tube; just two girls on our way to ryantown. We ended up on Columbia street, which has several boutiques, galleries, and cafes. I have pictures to share... But being on a bus is all kinds of hindering. For lunch, we ate at a cute little cafe whose name escapes me at the moment... I had a delicious prosciutto, tomato, and rocket ciabatta while Courtney ate a late brunch of chorizo, eggs, and toast. In true fat-girl-style, we immediately followed lunch with cupcakes from an adorable bakery across the street. Halloween themed cupcakes, to be exact, which was a nice treat... Seeing as 87% of the welsh-folk are anti-Halloween-life-ruiners. We enjoyed the cupcakes in a little park around the corner, where we gawked at all of the cute little British children.
Oh goodness, I almost forgot about Rob Ryan. His studio, which is dead center on Columbia, was overwhelmingly beautiful. Of course, he was there, signing... But we spent most of our stay obsessing over his brilliant tiles and tapestries. It was truly worth the trip.
After our rendezvous in ryantown, we headed back to the center of town to wander aimlessly. We ended up in several gift shops with the same silly merchandise throughout and finally, after walking for 2 hours, landed in a starbys for a white chocolate peppermint mocha. We people watched for a while, before walking back down the streets of London; there are so many interesting people on this side of the pond...
We ended up at a subway for a quick sandwich, before we got on the bus, then I took a nap... And now here we are. Thank goodness you're up to speed, huh?
Still smells like a sweaty bootay, but now I only have to endure if for... 3 hours and 8 minutes. Coooooool.
Nap time, anyone?
Mad love.

One Way Ticket to Anywhere

Friday night around midnight:
I'm sitting at a hostel in London. London. The place I have dreamed of living... For basically my entire life. I'm proud to say... It has yet to disappoint.
Today, Courtney and I wandered Chelsea, Chinatown, and popped in to see Stomp on the west end. I know, it sort of sounds like a dream come true... And honestly... It kind of is.
Every day, I feel like I have to stop and pinch myself. I. Live. Here. Ok, only for 2 more months... But hey, I'm calling it home for now.
In spite of a somewhat turbulent last few days, in which I spent 90% of my time wearing sweatpants and eating my feelings, I'm glad this weekend is looking up.
Tomorrow we're headed to meet my artsandcrafts soul mate... And I couldn't be more excited. Who knows what else is in store? Certainly neither of us. But we've got oyster cards and plenty to look forward to.
As for now, slumber is the only thing on my mind. Off to the bunks.
Mad love.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Make Your Bed Rock

cristenjoy is going to make a valiant effort to return to her roots... as promised. OK maybe I only promised my facebook followers, but I deliver, regardless. (AND NO BLONDE JOKES, mmmkay?)
This blog was originally intended to be a look into my artsy fartsy soul... where you could better get to know me through my love of all things thrifty, nifty, and as some might put it... showing off my hoarder tendencies.
I am conscious of money... I wouldn't say I'm "good" at the whole "saving" concept yet... but I'm learning (slowly). However, I would say I am great at spotting things I like (and trust me, I have caviar taste)... and reinventing them so I can afford them (thank you, fishstick budget).
Whilst in Wales, I'm trying to stick to a some-what small budget... which means I can't go around to every shop and buy all the Hunter Boots and Welsh Cakes I see... I have to get thrifty... and Halloween is NO different.
This year, I decided I wanted to go as Betty Rubble, the cutest member of Bed Rock gang. So after a little imagination and inspiration from instructables, I think I've come up with a pretty good DIY.
I was hoping to get away with using only one T-shirt for this tutorial... but I ended up using two for length. At 2.50 a pop, I think it was an afforable decision.
Lay the shirts bottom hem to bottom hem, both facing upwards. Fold one of the hems up about 3 inches. Safety pin together (in four evenly spaced spots) to insure the next step is a bit easier...  Yes, this would be easier with straight pins, but my 99P Store sewing kit only provided safeties.
You will then sew a loose stitch (similar to if you were hemming pants) to fasten the two shirts together. This should be obvious... but make sure you don't sew the front and back of the shirt together! Also, be conscious of how much thread you will be able to see, from the outside, when you flip the excess down.
When you're finished sewing, flip the excess fabric down (the folded up part from the second photo) and lay flat on your surface. This is what your project should look like so far! I left the stickers on so you could see that the bottom shirt is upside down but still facing upward (a mirror image of the top). 
To add a little flair to the waist band, I cut jagged triangles, which will later mirror the bottom of my dress.
This next step could vary, depending on how vertically challenged you are. Hold the dress up to yourself so the jagged waist hits your hips. Fold over the top of the dress, so it hits where a tube top would. Mark the fold, then lay the dress down and cut it wherever necessary. For me, my "tube" area is small, since I'm only 5' tall. Your bodice will probably be longer than mine, so don't judge soley by my photos. At this point, you can also cut the jagged hem on the bottom of the dress, since you know how long it will actually be.
For the halter neckline, I needed a bit of black fabric... but since I don't have my scrap-bag here, I cut up an old pair of cotton leggings to provide my scraps. All you really need, though, is two strips of fabric to create the neckline; each is about 2 inches wide and 9 inches long.
Lay the strips down so they make a "V" at the top of your tube. You'll notice my tube has been cut in on the sides; this will later be sewn to make the top fit tighter over my bust. Once you have your "V" centered, tack it down with black thread, so it will stay in place! 
This next step isn't necessary if your black fabric has some stretch... but I have a giant head, so getting a halter over my noggin' is sometimes a challenge. I sewed two simple snaps to the top to make the neckpiece fit with ease.
This is the step I referred to earlier... where you'll stitch the sides in to create a snugglier fit over your bust. This is not meant to show off what little assets I have, rather to actually keep my costume from falling off; jersey can be really stretchy. 
Your dress should be mostly completed. Which means it's time for Betty's signature hair bow! This step is easy peasy. Cut out two rectangles of the same size; size may vary depending on how big you want your hair bow to be.
Turn the fabric so the "nice side" (what will be showing in your final result) is facing inward. Sew around the edges, leaving an inch open in the top left corner. You will then turn it inside out, as you would if you were making a tiny, tiny pillow. Stitch up the open spot in the corner.
Pinch the center of the "pillow" and wrap a scrap of black fabric around the center. Sew the back to ensure the black fabric stays. Now you've got a cute bow!
I know... I know... You're dying to see the results. But, let's be honest, I'm gonna tease you on this one. Mostly because I still need a shell to put on the halter and a headband to put my bow on. And... I kind of want you to come back and read my blog... is that TOO much to ask?
Be looking forward to seeing the finished result VERY soon ;)
Mad Love.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Play the Music Loud, Don't make a Sound

This weekend was potentially my favorite since I've been here.
Yes, I have a crap-ton of pictures today... but there COULD have been more. Deal.
Let me just say... Chiquito's + PlayZone + Rob Ryan = recipe for DELICIOUS.
The other night, while at Odessey, Courtney and I spotted the ONLY mexican restaraunt in Swansea. Yes, TRAGIC, I'm aware. However, upon discovering it... it became obvious that we must eat there... at the soonest possible moment. So, we did. It was over-priced, but the daquiris and fajitas were scrumdiddlyumptious, so all in all, it was worth the price of admission. 
Immediately following Chiquito's? PLAYZONE. An ADULT JUNGLE GYM. YEAH. ADULT. JUNGLE. GYM. It was as magical as it sounds. I think it was the most fun I've had since I've been here... I looked, felt, and acted like I was five for a good portion of our stay... and I loved. every. minute.
Going down the GIANT slide. It was such a great life decision to only wear leggings... I slid SO fast and got some crazy air when we went triples. 
Lil' Dipper and LaSarah... represent. 
See how steep that slide is?! It was like STRAIGHT down. Here we have the mayors of slide county, Yushi and Dave, doing what they do best... ruling the slide. 
Friday night, when we got home from Playzone, I had a skype date with my Sistaaahfriend and Brotha D-Money. It was nice to see their pretty faces. I miss 'em like crazy (but don't tell them that). 
Saturday, Nick, Courtney, and I went to Mumbles... Aka: THE HOME OF CATHERINE ZETA JONES. Though we didn't have any actual star-sightings, we did have an INCREDIBLE visit. Lots of inspiration in such a quaint little town. Check out those centerpiece Cupcake Flowers... So. Precious.
I about died when I saw this table... The best part is... it would be so incredibly easy to DIY. New dining table, Ash? 
The three amigos looking cozy in the streets of Mumbles. 
While at a small shop in Mumbles, I fell in love with Rob Ryan. He's a London artist full of quirky cuts, precious words, and joyful inspiration. It might look relatively simple, but it really touched me as we flipped through his books. I may or may not have cried in the middle of the shop, OK?! 
I'm hoping these plates are still there Tuesday... because I'm definitely going back for them. Maybe the book too!
Upon arriving home that night, we made a WHOLE chicken, with leeks and onions, and homemade mashed potatoes. We also did laundry, sat around and chatted with Kyle, Freddie, and Kate, and looked up how and where we could meet Rob Ryan. The good news? The food was amazing, the company was equally delicious, and I AM MEETING ROB RYAN ON SATURDAY. Yeah... That last part is the best, huh?
Details to follow... because, let's face it, I need something to tell you about later this week.
Mad Love.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Not Like I Faint Every Time We Touch

After a few days of being extremely negliegent of my blogger-ly duties... I have returned.
Right now, I'm making mashed potatoes. Oh yeah, big girl in the house! I am actually enjoying cooking a little more here, since it means I will have more money to shop, shop, shop!! Ok, and travel too... I have made quite a few delicious meals since I've been here actually, and I might even cook them for my loves when I get home ;) ...if they're lucky.
I would tell you everything I've done this week... but then I'd have to kill you. Just kidding. I would just rather show you... and narrate through my pictures. (You're welcome, Conoco employees.)
Ok, so this didn't actually happen THIS week, but Courtney posted it this week... reminding me of what an awesome time we had that night. This is at The Potter's Wheel... a delicious pub in town. As you can see here, they also have delicious drinks ;) 
Nick, Courtney, and me before the HAT PARTY last weekend. It was pretty fantastic, actually. Minus the fact that, somewhere along the lines of a night of hat-swapping, I lost my hat. Oh well, could have gotten lice... which would have been worse. 
On Saturday, I went to Rhossili Beach with Courtney, Katie, Kate, Freddie, Chris, and Sandy. It was so surreal to think that we live in a place this beautiful. Sometimes I wonder what it will be like to go back to Oklahoma... then I slap myself and remember I'm only here once, "SO STOP WONDERING".
My beautiful friend Courtney-LaSarah and I overlooking Rhossili. Such. A. Beautiful. Place. PS... See the white house in the background? Totally my house.
Saturday night we went to a huge club crawl called Carnage. It promised to be the best party in Swansea... but ended up being one of the worst. There were about 708,679 slob kabobs puking on each other and the dance floor... So, needless to say, we didn't stay too long.
Today, Caleb, Kate, and I missed the bus to Rhossili ("accidentally") and went on a little adventure in town. It wasn't all that exciting, but we got candies and coffees in our tummies, so I'd say all-in-all it was a pretty scrumptious day.
Picture time in the streets of Swansea.
Me... Doing what I do best. Riding the bus and making delicious faces. You know you love it.
Mad Love.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Not Long 'til You're a Senior Citizen

Sometimes, we all just need a little chocolate.
Lawd knows Courtney and I did on Friday night... So off to Tesco we went to gather supplies to make Sex in a Pan. Easy peasy: make a chocolate cake, poke some holes in it, fill the holes with caramel and sweetened condensed milk, top it with whipped cream and candy bar crumbles (we chose toffee crisp). Knowing that devouring the entire thing was not in our best interest, we walked across the street to Alex's house and pawned it off on her and her flat mates ;) I don't know who appreciated it more... them or our tummies!
Sex in a Pan tastes exactly as it sounds. I feel like their chocolate cake mix isn't as strong over here, though, so I could have used a bit more chocolatte`, but no one complained too hard.
Courtney and I being proud little Betty Crockers... She also made some KILLER Beef and Broccoli that night. We usually rotate cooking nights with a few of the other American students, because we all have the tendency to over-cook!
Last night, we decided to go out for girly drinks at Kon-Tiki, which has buy one get one free on pretty much everything. Here we are with our Pineapple Bowls... mmm mmm good. (P.s. "we" are Michelle (Dave's girlfriend who came down for the weekend), Courtney, Ulrika (Courtney's roommate), and of course me... Not pictured: Dave, Tom, Freddie, and Yushi... they were FAR too busy "gossing" at the "boys table".)
Surprisingly, Saturday night is not poppin' in the UK like it is in the US... it's more like a conglomeration of 40+ drunkios wearing dresses the size bandaids and acting like they're 14. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are the big nights over here... however, tonight is "carnage" which is apparently the biggest party to come through the UK. Courtney and I spent all morning bedazzling our carnage shirts, so it better be fun!
"The Haunting of Hill House" is staring me in the face... and I should have it read by tomorrow... so I should probably hop to it, scooter.
Mad Love.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I'm Hot 'Cause I'm Fly... You Ain't 'Cause You Not.

Melissa and I just ate so much Penne with Meat Sauce... we might explode.
Everyone left us for Berlin this weekend, so the two of us have spent a good portion of the day together, making (and subsequently eating) all of the food in the house. Suprised? Didn't think so.
Soon she will leave me, though, for ROMAAA. I must say, I'm a little jealous, but hey, I'm going to Frankfurt in a few weeks!! However, Melissa will be accompanying me on that adventure ;) We will be flying over for the weekend to visit my beautiful cousin Ian and her husband Burt! I am very excited, because it's been 5 years since I've seen Ian... and I LOVE cousin-time. Also... we will be in GERMANY!! Aka: The Mother Land.
In other news, I got tired of staring at my (off)white walls last night, so Caleb and I went to work and decorated my world!
Yeah, I know... My wall says, "I'm Fly"... and CLEARLY by this picture... I should not have to explain why.
Since my package of photos FINALLY came in, it only seemed appropriate to graffitti my walls with family, friends, and funnies.
Gotta say, though, hanging up all of the pictures definitely made me a little nostalgic. I'm very excited to see all of my chicken nuggets when I return.
A little closer for ya, Since I know how much y'all love my smilin' face.
I wish I had something more interesting to share, but honestly, this week has been severely low-key. I started a new class today: Language in the Media. Seems to be pretty interesting, so far... but my teacher is like about to explode with baby, so I'm not really sure how this semester is going to go? I don't think she was either... judging by the fact that she said, "someone will see you next Tuesday," as we were leaving the classroom.
This weekend should be pretty blog-worthy... Courtney and I are having girls weekend, which is to include an "American Party", "Carnage", Cupcaking, and BEDAZZLING! I will try my best to take pictures of everything to keep ya in the loop.
P.S. The first person in the greater Swansea area to contact me after reading this will get FREE PASTA!!! WOOOOOOOO
Mad Love.

Monday, October 10, 2011

I'm not Talking Planets or Galaxies and the Distance Just Makes it Worse. I Know What You're Thinking, this Probably Sounds Rehearsed.

Five minutes peace.
Shout out to Justin Pierre, raspberries, and peppermint hot cocoa for getting me through today.
Confession: I am homesick.
I guess it's normal to feel this way after being away from "the norm" for a month... but seriously. I would do some wildly entertaining things for the following:
1. A head scratch from my mommy.
2. A belly bumping from my daddy.
3. To be the little spoon next to L'Boyfriend.
4. A McGriddle, Cheesy Gordita Crunch, and/or a Claussen Kosher Dill.
5. Aquamarine night with Maren.
I know, I know... stop being a baby. I am eternally grateful for the opportunities I've been given and the friends I've made along the way... but I really do miss some of the every day comforts of home. I miss being around my family. A lot.
I don't know if you follow the "love languages"... some people think they're a crock of shit... but I think they are essential to understanding how people are wired. Call me cray-cray, but take the quiz and tell me your results aren't spot on. For example... my highest score is "Physical Touch"... followed closely by "Quality Time". That means, I feel the most loved when I'm hugged, kissed, and given time... And 66.6% of these things aren't happening on a regular basis OR EVER; which means, I'm seriously deprived.
I would say I certainly get my fill of quality time, seeing as we don't spend too much time in school here, and spending time with people is an absolute necessary for me. But sadly, I can count the number of hugs I've recieved on one hand and I certainly have been doing NO smoochin' over yonder... not that the latter is a bad thing, seeing as I've got precious cargo in the states.
They say absense makes the heart grow fonder... but I say... absense makes the snuggler go insane.
Don't believe me? Ask every store in Swansea about the girl crying for a body pillow. They'll know exactly who you're talking about.
Oh yeah, I ate some cake today with Melissa. Delicious.
Marilyn was wrong... Chocolate is a girl's best friend.
Carrot Cake. MMM.
Mad Love.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

I Had a Pocket Full of Dreams but I Gave Them All to You

I was tired of sitting around the house.
So, I took a little initiative and bought five greyhound tickets to Cardiff; which were later dispersed to my five favorite people: Melissa, Nick, Caleb, Courtney, and me. Yeah, I realized I put myself in the favorite people category, whatevs. Was there a plan? Not really. Was it awesome? DEFINITELY.
On the way to Cardiff... right before we all took a much needed bus nap.
Caleb and Courtney... working it?
This is about the time that only having four hours of sleep kicked in. We went out to "Locker" the night before for a "hat party" and had way too much of a blast. I mean, any party that doesn't require me to do my hair... I'm down. However, I think this was the point we began to regret serenading our dance partners with S Club 7's "Reach" and deciding bed wasn't necessary til 4 AM.
This was a building on the Cardiff Castle grounds... it was pretty incredible. The whole thing, really. It's kind of majestic to see something that doesn't have a prayer of existing in the United States. Mostly, because we just aren't that old. It is breath-taking to see the castles and old buildings here; some times I have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming.
Nick, at the Castle, trying to point us in the correct direction. He is a history major and this is all right up his alley. I wish Maren could meet him. I think the two would never run out of things to say!!
This was inside of a house... A HOUSE. WHAT?! It was so ornate and gorgeous.... I just can't imagine looking up from my desk to see this! All I see is crappy popcorn ceiling; how is that fair?
At a cute little Cardiff store, we spotted these little Sunflower hats... major shout out to my favorite youtube make up artist, Madison. CHICKACHICKAWOWWOW.
Of course, we had to stop in for Gelato and Lattes before the day was over.
All in all, it was an incredibly relaxing afternoon. Even though some of us were incredibly tired and possibly irritable ;) we had a great time. I am truly blessed to have met such amazing people in the short time I've been here.
Of course, a single day doesn't go by without a hobbit reference... For whatever reason, Caleb is really into The Lord of the Rings, so he likes to stop and take Frodo pictures. Luckily, if we were actually at Frodo's door... I could fit without peril. Thanks, Mom and Dad, for the stellar genes.
On a completely unrelated note... I would kill someone for Taco Bell right now.
Mad Love.