Whew. February was QUITE a month!!
Sorry it's been a hot minute since I last updated... I have been REALLY REALLY busy! Some fun, some stressful, some a little of both ;)
I'll be honest, the only reason I even have time to update today is because I have a crazy flu bug that just WON'T QUIT! I'm sick of being sick :(
I am having some difficulty being coherent today... So I will just share a few pictures to keep you visually updated!

I celebrated an early Valentine's Day with my boo, Matt Nathanson, and BBK <3 It was a night of McNellies, McDreamies, and LOVE! I couldn't have asked for a better VaGALentine than Kaia! That girl keeps me from being an old granny and I love her for it!
A few days later, I started my job back up at J2CREW!! I was so happy to get back with the crew, kiddos, and JEN!! I have missed her so much <3 Yes, yes, this DOES mean that I now work 3 jobs again... but who cares? I LOVE IT. There is nothing more rewarding than smiling kiddos.

Luckily, I still have time to get my Old Gregg face on with BBK! We have taken a liking to "Face Mask Friday"... which basically means we sit around, eat entire bags of jelly beans and doritos, watch kiddie movies, and replenish our faces with some sort of chocolate concoction! It's the best way to end the school week!

One thing I miss about being in Wales is having the time to cook!! So I've decided that I'm going to make myself (and whoever wants to join me) some kind of delicious meal at least once a week. I made this delicious Salmon with a brown sugar-teriyaki glaze about a week ago for my family, and it was MM MM GOOD! It's topped with fresh pineapple and red onions and served with a side of rice. We were also in a blueberry abundance, so I made blueberry balsamic salad and a wonderful blueberry crisp for dessert. <3 I've got to get a house so I can start throwing dinner parties again!! Too much food for just a few people!

This is what has been keeping me busiest for the last month! I just wrapped a production of 'Night Mother at RSU and BOYYY was that stressful. It was rewarding... but stressful. I'm very proud of the outcome and I certainly am missing seeing those two lovely ladies on a daily basis.
This may be one of my favorite accomplishments of this last month... Our Glitz, Glam, and Gypsy event was the most successful day of business in the history of Gypsy Rose!! We all worked our buns off... but it paid off! What an amazing team of Gypsy Girls we have!! I don't know what I would do without Missy and I'm so thankful we've got Avery now too!! <3

This past weekend was spent in Dallas, TX for the Alpha Sigma Alpha District 7 conference. Here I am with the two lovely chicas who were President after my term. Now we just need Paula and Hope to complete the picture. Even though I was sick all weekend, it was wonderful to spend time with my Alpha Sigs. Nothing is better than sisterhood.

SOMETHING IS MISSING!!! I went to lay on the couch this morning... and they were gone! No worries, though, they weren't stolen... just pawned off on the ole Craigslist to make room for the new furniture coming this week. Although I was a little displeased to see them gone (in that particular moment) I am happy to be getting new couches!!

This photo is brought to you by my insomnia... and addiction to my TtV camera app.
I'm really excited for this next month... I WILL BE DIRECTING MY FIRST EVER SHOW!!! <3 I will also be keeping a blog to guide first time directors through the process... or just keep myself entertained ;) So, be looking forward to that.
Mad Love.
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