Today marked the first day of yet another semester of college. If the world went as planned, this would be my "last first day"... but as we all know, things rarely go according to plan. Today was one of those days.
I was dead tired when I woke up this morning (this is due, in large part, to the massive amount of bowling I partook in last night for my work's 7th birthday). I finally rolled out of bed and was on my way to school, when BAM, halfway to class, I got a phone call letting me know my scriptwriting class was cancelled. Woohoo! 30 more minutes of sleep, methinks. So, I wheeled my wagon back home and set up bed-camp for a bit longer. When I showed up for my 11 o'clock capstone class... it looked an awful lot like Freshman Speech... probably because my class wasn't really until 12...and it was Freshman Speech. Drat. But, like in all good stories, my knights in shining "already been to Swansea" armor were in the honors lounge and we grabbed lunch. Ok, that probably never happened in any story, but just go with it. After lunch, I was in class until what seemed like eternity... aka 4 PM. Then it was back to school for my sorority meeting (followed by sister time at Wings to Go).
I know, I know... it wasn't ALL that bad... but I bet you're wondering why I am driving back and forth to class? Oh... You weren't? Well, I'll tell you anyway. My front door key to my apartment doesn't work. Soooo I can't move in. Currently living with the parental units 'til that one works itself out. AAAND no, I'm not one of those lazy people who drives from their dorm to class... unless it's really cold.
I literally have nothing cool to share today... and for that I am eternally sorry.
I guess I could tell you a few fun facts... that might be interesting? If not, just humor me.
1. My favorite article of clothing is a blue and white striped rugby shirt that was my dad's soccer coach uniform... He coached my team, "The Little Rascals," for a few years when I was growing up. I usually lounge around in it once or twice a week. In fact, I'm wearing it right now.
2. I am reading "Bossypants" right now... and I have a really hard time putting it down. (Obviously I did to write this blog... you're welcome.) While Amy Poehler is my comedy goddess-idol-extraordinnaire... Tina Fey is quickly becoming a top contender.
3. I have a poster on my wall, that after seeing at my lady-boss' house, I searched the world to find. It's a picture of the Eiffel Tower under alien attack... with the leads of Casablanca embracing in the foreground. It's my prized possession.
4. Most likely, I'm a hoarder.
5. The chalkboard in my room still touts, "PROST! Enjoy some Boulevard Wheat". It's been nearly 6 months since I changed it... and even though it makes literally no sense in my room... I kind of like it.
Yeah, that's all I've got today. As GloZell would say... PEACE AND BLESSINS.
Mad Love.
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