It's been kind of a rough and tumble week.
It all started with about 78 tiny aliens stabbing me in the stomach with itty bitty sporks (and while this sounds sort of fun, it's NOT at all). Then, they started crawling up toward my heart and poking around for any stragglers... aaaand by mid-week the little aliens had made their way up to my neck and noggin, rendering me only slightly able to move. I ended up back at the Doc's for my ever-obnoxious back and neck issues, which are always just a pleasure to deal with... NOT! The tiny aliens lingered on my shoulder blades during rehearsal for 'Night Mother... but they slowly started dying off. Thanks to a modified medicine regemine, things in my back and neck started feeling better, but I still felt the little aliens hanging around the heartbeat cafe. Growing up is a hard thing to do... especially when everyone around you is in such a hurry to... and you're just not ready yet.
I guess this all goes back to one of the first posts I made on this blog... and I know that when I'm "thirty, flirty, and thriving" I will be SO thankful that I left my empty converse to dry in the concrete alone... it's just all of the stuff between now and then that can be a little hard on the ole ticker.
Luckily, my best friend Maren came back from INDIA today... so I will get to see her smilin' face tomorrow after work! She always makes my day about 147 x better!!!
Mad Love.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Wal-Mart Version Of You
"Yo, McAdams. I have a bone to pick with you.
You haven't updated your blog since last Thursday (I KNOW that Courtney has also noticed this), and because of my lack of borderline-ebonics reading material...I was forced to do homework. I mean, I guess I should be thanking you...but instead I am telling you off.
Nickles. "Seriously. Every day. These two make make me giggle uncontrollably.In case you were wondering... My last name is NOT McAdams... Nickles calls me that because mainly because I am OBSESSED with Rachel McAdams and I think I might be... partially her.The following photos have nothing to do with anything... just a slice of my every day life.
You haven't updated your blog since last Thursday (I KNOW that Courtney has also noticed this), and because of my lack of borderline-ebonics reading material...I was forced to do homework. I mean, I guess I should be thanking you...but instead I am telling you off.
Nickles. "

Peanut Butter Pie... AGAIN! Capstone is making me coo-coo-bananas.

About a week ago I took a much needed girls night out!! Even though we'd just gotten off work, it was SERIOUSLY time for some chips, salsa, and chatting =)

This mug literally gets me through anything. Kind of pathetic... I know... but it touts, "Tiny But Powerful" on it's back, serving as a constant reminder that I can take ANYTHING the day throws my way!!
Mad Love.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
I Decided You Look Well On Me
GMAIL-ONE... "no-so-hot"-mail- ZERO
Let the hilarity ensue.

Wearing John's Glasses during one of our infamous "Ando Nights Out"... in which a bunch of the cool employees get together & eat all of the food on planet earth and talk about everything from Amy Poehler to Microbreweries.


Here are some screen caps from "Driving Miss Crazy". I think I was talking about Katy Perry/Singing "When I Dip, You Dip, We Dip".

Right about when the insomnia-crazy sets in.

Workin' Hard... Hardly workin'?

OK... this one is only posted, cause I looked REAL cute yesterday.
MAD LOVE... again.
And We'll Linger On
Talk about a stressful week!
I'll spare you the grits and gravy, but essentially... I have been working 3 jobs, going to 2 colleges (both full time... one in finals week), rehearsing for a show that goes up in less than a month, and still trying to have a social life! It's been crazy!!! But, as promised, no(t too many) complaints...
I want to bounce a stupid idea off y'all... Basically, I am wanting to do a video compilation of weird stuff I do while I'm driving. The idea hit me when I was cutting a chicken while driving earlier this week. I know, I know... please don't tell the cops or the animal patrol. I wasn't actually SHANKING a live chicken... but I was cutting my dinner while driving. (I know, I know... don't tell my mom either).
Anyway, I've decided I'm really good at doing things while I drive... mostly just talking to myself and pretending I'm Whitney Houston. So, what do you think? Good idea? Or would I just be embarassing myself by showing everyone my awesome skillllz?
I know it's been a while since I last yammered at'cha... so of course, there was a little fun in the mix since then... mostly between the hours of 4 AM and 6 AM when I officially enter the "crazy" state of my borderline-insomnia. However, there were some things I managed to get out and do in the last week, thankfully!

Going out on $3 burger night... and it started to SNOW! Taylor was LIVID because there was snow in his eye when I took this picture... Personally, I think it captures his inner beauty quite well ;)

This is me and BBK at Joe Mama's... eating "dirt and worms". In order to be totally accurate in our eating performance, we fed eachother the worms like mother birds.

I came home the other night to this WONDERFUL lap desk made by my daddy!! I'm excited to DIY the top... I'm thinking DECOPAUGE (or however the frick you spell that).
OK.... so I just emailed myself like 6 hilarious pictures from my iPhone... and they definitely didn't come to MY inbox... so I totally appologize to whoever they went to... ;)
Mad Love.
I'll spare you the grits and gravy, but essentially... I have been working 3 jobs, going to 2 colleges (both full time... one in finals week), rehearsing for a show that goes up in less than a month, and still trying to have a social life! It's been crazy!!! But, as promised, no(t too many) complaints...
I want to bounce a stupid idea off y'all... Basically, I am wanting to do a video compilation of weird stuff I do while I'm driving. The idea hit me when I was cutting a chicken while driving earlier this week. I know, I know... please don't tell the cops or the animal patrol. I wasn't actually SHANKING a live chicken... but I was cutting my dinner while driving. (I know, I know... don't tell my mom either).
Anyway, I've decided I'm really good at doing things while I drive... mostly just talking to myself and pretending I'm Whitney Houston. So, what do you think? Good idea? Or would I just be embarassing myself by showing everyone my awesome skillllz?
I know it's been a while since I last yammered at'cha... so of course, there was a little fun in the mix since then... mostly between the hours of 4 AM and 6 AM when I officially enter the "crazy" state of my borderline-insomnia. However, there were some things I managed to get out and do in the last week, thankfully!
Going out on $3 burger night... and it started to SNOW! Taylor was LIVID because there was snow in his eye when I took this picture... Personally, I think it captures his inner beauty quite well ;)
This is me and BBK at Joe Mama's... eating "dirt and worms". In order to be totally accurate in our eating performance, we fed eachother the worms like mother birds.
I came home the other night to this WONDERFUL lap desk made by my daddy!! I'm excited to DIY the top... I'm thinking DECOPAUGE (or however the frick you spell that).
OK.... so I just emailed myself like 6 hilarious pictures from my iPhone... and they definitely didn't come to MY inbox... so I totally appologize to whoever they went to... ;)
Mad Love.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Let's Not Over Analyze
Today marked the first day of yet another semester of college. If the world went as planned, this would be my "last first day"... but as we all know, things rarely go according to plan. Today was one of those days.
I was dead tired when I woke up this morning (this is due, in large part, to the massive amount of bowling I partook in last night for my work's 7th birthday). I finally rolled out of bed and was on my way to school, when BAM, halfway to class, I got a phone call letting me know my scriptwriting class was cancelled. Woohoo! 30 more minutes of sleep, methinks. So, I wheeled my wagon back home and set up bed-camp for a bit longer. When I showed up for my 11 o'clock capstone class... it looked an awful lot like Freshman Speech... probably because my class wasn't really until 12...and it was Freshman Speech. Drat. But, like in all good stories, my knights in shining "already been to Swansea" armor were in the honors lounge and we grabbed lunch. Ok, that probably never happened in any story, but just go with it. After lunch, I was in class until what seemed like eternity... aka 4 PM. Then it was back to school for my sorority meeting (followed by sister time at Wings to Go).
I know, I know... it wasn't ALL that bad... but I bet you're wondering why I am driving back and forth to class? Oh... You weren't? Well, I'll tell you anyway. My front door key to my apartment doesn't work. Soooo I can't move in. Currently living with the parental units 'til that one works itself out. AAAND no, I'm not one of those lazy people who drives from their dorm to class... unless it's really cold.
I literally have nothing cool to share today... and for that I am eternally sorry.
I guess I could tell you a few fun facts... that might be interesting? If not, just humor me.
1. My favorite article of clothing is a blue and white striped rugby shirt that was my dad's soccer coach uniform... He coached my team, "The Little Rascals," for a few years when I was growing up. I usually lounge around in it once or twice a week. In fact, I'm wearing it right now.
2. I am reading "Bossypants" right now... and I have a really hard time putting it down. (Obviously I did to write this blog... you're welcome.) While Amy Poehler is my comedy goddess-idol-extraordinnaire... Tina Fey is quickly becoming a top contender.
3. I have a poster on my wall, that after seeing at my lady-boss' house, I searched the world to find. It's a picture of the Eiffel Tower under alien attack... with the leads of Casablanca embracing in the foreground. It's my prized possession.
4. Most likely, I'm a hoarder.
5. The chalkboard in my room still touts, "PROST! Enjoy some Boulevard Wheat". It's been nearly 6 months since I changed it... and even though it makes literally no sense in my room... I kind of like it.
Yeah, that's all I've got today. As GloZell would say... PEACE AND BLESSINS.
Mad Love.
I was dead tired when I woke up this morning (this is due, in large part, to the massive amount of bowling I partook in last night for my work's 7th birthday). I finally rolled out of bed and was on my way to school, when BAM, halfway to class, I got a phone call letting me know my scriptwriting class was cancelled. Woohoo! 30 more minutes of sleep, methinks. So, I wheeled my wagon back home and set up bed-camp for a bit longer. When I showed up for my 11 o'clock capstone class... it looked an awful lot like Freshman Speech... probably because my class wasn't really until 12...and it was Freshman Speech. Drat. But, like in all good stories, my knights in shining "already been to Swansea" armor were in the honors lounge and we grabbed lunch. Ok, that probably never happened in any story, but just go with it. After lunch, I was in class until what seemed like eternity... aka 4 PM. Then it was back to school for my sorority meeting (followed by sister time at Wings to Go).
I know, I know... it wasn't ALL that bad... but I bet you're wondering why I am driving back and forth to class? Oh... You weren't? Well, I'll tell you anyway. My front door key to my apartment doesn't work. Soooo I can't move in. Currently living with the parental units 'til that one works itself out. AAAND no, I'm not one of those lazy people who drives from their dorm to class... unless it's really cold.
I literally have nothing cool to share today... and for that I am eternally sorry.
I guess I could tell you a few fun facts... that might be interesting? If not, just humor me.
1. My favorite article of clothing is a blue and white striped rugby shirt that was my dad's soccer coach uniform... He coached my team, "The Little Rascals," for a few years when I was growing up. I usually lounge around in it once or twice a week. In fact, I'm wearing it right now.
2. I am reading "Bossypants" right now... and I have a really hard time putting it down. (Obviously I did to write this blog... you're welcome.) While Amy Poehler is my comedy goddess-idol-extraordinnaire... Tina Fey is quickly becoming a top contender.
3. I have a poster on my wall, that after seeing at my lady-boss' house, I searched the world to find. It's a picture of the Eiffel Tower under alien attack... with the leads of Casablanca embracing in the foreground. It's my prized possession.
4. Most likely, I'm a hoarder.
5. The chalkboard in my room still touts, "PROST! Enjoy some Boulevard Wheat". It's been nearly 6 months since I changed it... and even though it makes literally no sense in my room... I kind of like it.
Yeah, that's all I've got today. As GloZell would say... PEACE AND BLESSINS.
Mad Love.
Monday, January 2, 2012
You'll Play the Victim and I'll be the Bad Guy
Sorry about the lack of postage, as of late. I have been engulfing myself in family, friends, and frolic.

I was greeted at the airport by my momma, daddy, Kaia, and Caty Beans. They even greeted me with a sign that said REGINA GEORGE, who is literally my hero. I am all kinds of obsessed with the sign, and I will keep it forever!
The first bit of being home was a lot of catching up, eating, and SNUGGLING. I am loving being home with my friends and family; they are every bit as cuddly as yours truly.
Christmas was AMAZING. I spent it with my family, my second family, and some of my best friends.
Christmas eve was at my parent's house... and although I would have LOVED to be in Oregon with my big fam-bam, it was nice to be home with my mom, dad, sistahfriend, and brotha-from-anotha-motha.

This was taken right before dinner, obviously after Mass, because I am still in my schnazzy $2 BCBG dress. What a good lookin' family, huh?
After dinner, we opened presents, as per usual. I love this picture, mostly because I am OBSESSED with lifesaver story books. I have no idea why, though, which is the best part. I think we've just ALWAYS gotten them, so my Christmas doesn't really start until I have one. I remember one year I didn't get one in my stocking, and I thought that everyone had forgotten about how important they are to me, and I literally had a panic attack. Of course, there was one wrapped under the tree for me, but I still had a little "moment" when I didn't get one!

Christmas morning was pretty boring, and I've been feeling a little crazy lately, so in true Elliot Reed fashion, I cut my bangs and decided to get a hold of my life. Things have been a little interesting lately... so I thought a new look might be good!

Things got exciting when my family came over, though! This is my cousin Philip and my cousin Alison, who are both WAY too tall to be younger than me ;)

Hanging out with my second family- The Bausch/Keller clan. BBK came with, too, which is always fun!!

I know this looks crazy... and it is... YES, I am back at work ALREADY. They feed me (and my desire to always be silly) and I can never stay away for too long. Jo Jessica and I were CLEARLY enjoying the work Christmas party in this picture.

Big perk of being home: These crazy girls. We look like a girl band here (totally unintentionally, mind you). Caty, Amanda, and Kaia have all worked with me at one point in my life and I love them all so much!

Every year, my friend Adrian and I go on an ice skating date downtown Tulsa. This year we were joined by Kaia and her friend Austin! Afterward, we went to Kilkenneys and some other places downtown, and were joined by Maren, Wes, and Sean for what became one of the best nights I've had in a while!!

A few days later, Kaia and I joined my parents for a weekend trip to Missouri. We are seriously sisters from another mister. SO. SILLY.

While in MO, we stopped at Silver Dollar City to check out the lights and do a little shopping =) It was such a nice night! It was warm enough to not freeze to death, but still chilly enough to feel like winter (and make our Wassail completely necessary).

Then came New Years: my best friends from high school got together and spent the night on Cherry St. and in the Blue Dome... It was seriously incredible. Sean, Maren, Taylor, Wes, (not pictured) and I have been inseperable since we were 15... and it's always so good to have everyone together again! BBK makes a wonderful addition to our group, too (she's just a little younger than us ;) )!
Being home has been wonderful, so far. Sure, I've worked a lot... and yeah, I miss my Wales group... BUT I am LOVIN' all of my home-lovin'.
PLUS, being home=my delicious bed... which literally could not be ANY more magical.
Mad Love.
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