Bored. Of. Packing.
Don't get me wrong... I love that I'm packing to go to Wales on Monday... but I am also packing my entire bedroom to move houses before I leave Monday. Procrastination, much?
Also, I have discovered I'm the world's worst packer. I feel as though I need to pack everything in my wardrobe... just incase. WORST. EVER.

Need more proof than this? Even with space bags... Grandma has overpacked.

Of course I need to take this ridiculous trucker hat? wtf self.

I can't forget this handy dandy neck pillow for the flight. THAT is precisely why I'm still at home when my classes started today. I somehow managed to get a pinched nerve in my neck last Friday. GROSS and incredibly painful. So I was pretty much out of commission until Tuesday (yeah, that's what I'll blame the procrastination on). Needless to say, this little puppy will come in handy while I'm soarin' over the world. 

Thank God for Diet Coke and The Cure... Or I might NEVER make it through this day.

On the (almost as) bright (as my flash) side... I made a really cute tank top yesterday. Who needs to shop when you can up-cycle too big t-shirts into adorable laced up tanks? Ok, that's obviously a trick question.
Mad Love.
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