After recieving a bit of "hate mail" to kindly remind me that I'm seriously slacking as a blogger... I have finally decided to share with you... HALLOWEEN! Oh, and a little bit of my trip to Amsterdam, too!

Flintstones, Meet the Flintsones!! Wilma, Fred, Barney, Betty, Dino, and Pebbles! Yes, we're missing Bam-Bam... but our Bam-Bam bailed last minute. Too bad, because we all looked SUPER cute.

I think that if Betty and Barney ever had an engagement shot... this would be it. Nick and I made a fantastic duo for the evening!
Betty and Kitty (Ulrika) hanging out before hitting the town! This is probably the best shot of my costume I could find... Turned out pretty cute, huh?
The DYNAMIC DUO doing what they do best... This was at Yates, which is probably has some of the best music in town. We walked in to "The Streets"... which was soon followed by "The Wombats". Clearly, I was enjoying myself.
I have about 23985 more pictures from Halloween... but I have so much more ground to cover, so if you want to see more, let me know and I'd be more than happy to share!
Lets get real, though. We're really all here today so I can tell you about AMSTERDAM.
Just rolling off the bus, around 9 AM on Friday... We were ready to take on Amsterdam for the next 2 days.
Me and my BEAUTIFUL friend, Allison. She is seriously amazing and I can't imagine not being around her every day. She is probably the most open-minded, kind-hearted, and lovely person I've ever met.
Caleb, Courtney, and Me, eating at a WONDERFUL Italian restaraunt. Made me miss Andolini's!
The famous iamsterdam sign- with some of my favorite people. This was one of the first things we saw upon our arrival... pretty groovy, huh?

Here's a closer shot of me and my pal, Kyle, looking fly in the "e".
Taking a break from some SERIOUS tourism and sitting by a gorgeous fountain in town. Pictured: Caleb, Melissa, Courtney, me, Katie, and Nick.
We took a canal cruise through the town, which is built pretty much around 3 main canal routes... it was superbly gorgeous... though the tour wasn't all that interesting, since we'd already seen/been to most of the big spots in town.
This was the most incredible part of the trip, for me. We toured Anne Frank's house... which may be one of the most moving experiences of my life. I've always been incredibly interested in her story, and being in her hiding place was such an incredible moment in my life. I didn't even have to look at the photographs on her bedroom wall before I knew I was in her room. It sounds silly, but I had a rush of emotions as soon as I stepped through her doorway... It was absolutely unmatched. I am beyond thankful we got to experience her home and museum.
After the Anne Frank House, we went to a really neat little market, where we picked up all sorts of thing-a-ma-bobs... which for me meant fresh Dutch Currant Rolls. MMMMM.
A typical view from a side street in Amsterdam. It was so amazing. Of course, there are lots of things that a lady wouldn't mention that also go on in town... but I'll leave that to your imagination.
I think this might have been my favorite trip yet. I ate my weight in Dutch Donuts, got my Currant Roll fix, and even tried on a pair of GINORMOUS wooden shoes. Plus, some of my favorite people in the world got to share it with me.
I thank God daily for the people he's blessed me with in my time abroad. I would seriously be (even more) insane without them.
Mad Love.