And so begins the long day of travel.
It's 7:07 and I'm sippin' on starbys at heathrow airport. I've been here for 2 hours now. Should be arriving now, but I came early with Allison so we could say our last goodbyes at the airport before she ran off to Prague. Definitely glad she was here last night and this morning... She is seriously an angel!
This toffee nut latte is straight hittin' the spot. I'm listening to Ed Sheeran; if you haven't heard of him, listen, please. I sort of feel like I'm in a romantic comedy when I listen to him... And I don't hate it.
Heathrow is hopping right now. This is such a cool airport! Waking past security toward the gates was like walking through a make-up wonderland. Ah-mazing.
I met a bi-coastal couple in line this morning... Convinced me that I am meant to live in The OC AND Manhattan. They were heading back from a week in Honk Kong... To have a week in New York... Then to LA... Then to Miami! Sounds like a lifestyle I could handle!!! They were a very precious couple and it was so nice to have someone to talk to so early.
Let me tell you about yesterday... So, Allison was set to take a train at 1230 and I was set for 230. I tried to change my train so we'd be together, but it was far too spendy, so we ended up sticking to the original plan. About an hour into my journey, I get a tap on the shoulder... From Allison! Her train was cancelled due to communication issues between Cardiff and Newport and by some magic of fate she ended up on my train!
While I was glad to see Al, she was not so happy about missing her flight to Prague because of the train. However, that meant I had company at the hotel last night, so that was nice! Courtney and Yushi met up with us and we went to the strangest dinner I've ever been to... But that's another story.
It's now 7:22. It's strange not knowing when you're going to depart. My first try is 9:00, so in about an hour I will go find my gate and do the "ee-ee ee-ah" dance to connect to the travel gods. (The Proposal, anyone?)
I have had the intro to Somewhere Over The Rainbow stuck in my head all morning: "When all the world is a hopeless jumble and the raindrops tumble all around, heaven opens a magic lane to a place behind the sun, just a step beyond the rain." I think that's pretty well suited to my life, huh? As I'm about to go to the other side of the rainbow, via travel tornado, I am looking forward to great things. Even if it is only the lollipop guild.
I keep thinking about how blessed I am. It's true that I work my buns off for things I want to work: school, relationships, work. If I want it... I will go down swinging to make it work. I'm so thankful that 90% of the time my hard work pays off, because I have truly been leading a charmed life.
This post is sort of all over the place, huh? I guess I have just been thinking about life lately. We have a saying within my sorority that goes something like "what you put into something will be returned four fold"... And I really believe that's true. Call me ambitious, but I think if you work smart and give love, you can achieve anything., I sound like an "escort"... Haha. I mean it, though, love makes all things possible. If you love something enough to make it work... It will... Regardless of barriers and meanies who tell you it won't. Trust me, I've been told "no" enough times to know that it really just means "not now".
Random positive thoughts, I know. Another thought: happiness is only transferrable if you carry it with you everywhere. You can't truly share it with anyone else if you don't have it to share.
I have moved on to James Morrison. My high school boyfriend sent me this CD a few years back... And it's so good. Maybe I just feel like being in a rom-com today, huh? ***oh, Prince Harry, I'm at heathrow waiting to be swept off my feet*** There is a song called "you make it real for me" that, if you've ever seen a diamond commercial or a chick flick, you probably know. It is one of those songs that makes you bubble inside (in a good, non-IBS way). I don't know why it's important that you know that... But I feel like since I'm stuck in the airport, you should be too ;)
My contacts are about to fall out of eyes. Crusty, crust. My eyes are getting heavy, so I'm off assess my condition in the loo. I will keep you posted on my flightiness.
Mad love.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
In an MMMBOP They're Not There.
This past week has been so crazy.
Crazy Good. Crazy Bad. Crazy Crazy.
All of my classes are over (although I still have papers to write) :-/ and most of my friends have left for home (or their final rendezvous abroad).
Every goodbye is a little bit different, but none are welcome! I have made some of the best friends in my time in Swansea.
We have spent a lot of time soaking up eachother's love this past week, but last Saturday was our last night as a WHOLE group... Which was a fun, but kind of sad, occasion.
We supported Caleb at his choir concert, ate our weight in pizza, and spent the night giggling and reminiscing. Of course it wouldn't have been "official" if there weren't pictures... So, ladies and gentlemen... May I present: Last Saturday Night.

The group looking all jazzy before Caleb's concert. A part of me wishes Nick would have smiled, but the photo probably wouldn't be the same if he did ;)

The Cathedral where Caleb's concert took place was PACKED! We got there a good 30 minutes early and STILL sat in the back!

The proud Mr. Dobbs after his concert!

Melissa was SO excited about Pizza. By the time 10:30 rolled around we were SO hungry!

Enjoying our pizza (even though it's NO Andolini's). ...and yes, that is a bowl of black olives. What of it?
Then, the first goodbye came. My BEST FRIEND ON PLANET SWANSEA, LaSarah-Courtney.

Some of the goodbyes were tearful- Note Melissa's face.

Some were happy... Because we knew we'd see eachother again.

Some left us giggling and falling over.

And some were as wild as their friendship was all along.
Although I'm planning on meeting up with LaSarah tomorrow night for dinner (IN LONDON) it was definitely a crazy goodbye.
**On a chronological side note: I feel like I should tell you about my last karaoke experience in Swansea. What you need to know: I came. I sang. I conquered. Thanks in large part to the angelic voice of Mr. Kyle Patterson, that is. We sang a medley of duets from Grease and DEFINITELY won FIRST PLACE (aka: a 20 pound bar tab each). It was certainly a highlight of my nights at The Wonky Sheep and Kyle will forever be my Danny Zucko.**
Monday-Wednesday weren't all that bad, since everyone was still around to enjoy Swansea, so I'll skip out on those days.
Wednesday night/Thursday morning was definitely an interesting time, though. Nick and Kyle were set to leave Thursday morning, so Allison and I spent most of the night in their flat dancing to Justin Timberlake. It was tough to say goodbye, so we just danced around it.
However, I also said a big goodbye when I got home that morning. After a long conversation, that was probably long overdue, my boo of 3 years and I decided to call it quits. I figure I talk about him enough on my blog, that it would be strange for me to stop without explanation. It's nothing too crazy, just sort of grew apart and wanted different things from life... but I certainly wouldn't change the time I spent with him for the world. Some times things just don't work out the way you plan them to, but you've just got to trust that God has something different in store for you. =)
I spent most of Thursday packing and having narcoleptic fits from only getting 3 hours of sleep the night before... Melissa left for Oklahoma, which was sad, but I know I'll be seeing her soon!!!
Today has been a very relaxing and wonderful day in Swansea. Caleb left this morning before my last class, for his family trip around Europe, which was of course a little sad... but since he lives in Tahlequah, I will definitely see him again. Allison and I spent the entire day together... and it was literally one of the best life choices I've made. We went to town and shopped for the last time, bought welsh cakes and a samoa mocha, and took pictures around town. Then tonight, she took me on the BEST date ever. I often cook for her, so to repay me she took me to one of the nicest restaurants in Swansea! It was so beautiful. It was on the 28th floor of the tallest building in Wales, so the view of the water was just about enough to make you cry. The city lights were so bright and beautiful and the booth we sat in had the PERFECT view. We started off with a couple of glasses of White Zinfandel, garlic parmesan fries, and smoked duck with apple chutney. Then we moved onto our main course: mine was Welsh pork loin with mashed potatoes and house salad, and Allison had an amazing chicken and pancetta pasta. In a few minutes we're going to bake an apple pie, eat some phish food, and drown ourselves in one final night of Glozelle, Kardashians, and basically any dating show trashy enough to be on VH1. Such a fantastic day.
As I'm staring at a room strewn with suitcases and clothing, I'm a little sad to be leaving this life behind. The last three and a half months have been such a blessing. I know I'll recollect a bit more (probably from my long day at the airport) so I don't want to get TOO mushy now. I'm just... so glad I came.
Mad Love.
Some are Worth-While and Some are So-So.
Sorry it's been a bit... This last week in Swansea has been NUTS!
I will tell you all about it this weekend (when I will have more than enough time to blog my brains out).
But for now... The Magic Kindom.

Sorry it's been a bit... This last week in Swansea has been NUTS!
I will tell you all about it this weekend (when I will have more than enough time to blog my brains out).
But for now... The Magic Kindom.

Rockin' the Kanga Pouch. In spite of what it looks like, I'm not actually wearing a "bum bag" (fanny pack means something TOOOOOTALLY different here). It was much easier to wear my cross-body under my jacket, because of France's stunning reputation, but it ended up lookin' straight funky.

OUTSIDE OF THE PARK. I believe this was taken as I was a bit teary-eyed. What can I say, Disneyland makes me a little emotional.

Dad & Mom (Yushi and Courtney) outside of the park. Dad was complaining about the rain, so he got this "reaaaallly coooool" poncho ;)

Yes, we're the the three best friends that anybody could have!

Waiting in line for Space Mountain. Looks like fun, huh?

Right before we got up here to take a picture, there was this fiercely fabulous five year old girl rockin' every pose she could. Unfortunately we didn't look nearly as glamorous.

Waiting for something, I'm sure. Maybe the parade?! Which, by the by, was so magical. Finally got to see Aladdin!

The first "whoosh" of "It's a Small World"! I like that you can tell we are moving (and oh, so happy).

We didn't get to see many characters at the park, but when we spotted Pluto, we knew we needed to take a picture! We waited for a minute, and let the kiddos go first, but then Pluto and I made a mad connection and he swept me off my feet (or, rather, pulled me to his side) for a picture.

There must be something about me and cartoon dogs. Goofy was equally excited to have a picture with the three beauties.

On the teacups with my beautiful roomie, Melissa! It was the second ride we walked straight on that day!

Belle, outside of Gaston's pub. Made me miss the days of "B&B"!

Making a wish at the most magical place on earth. But really, what more could I wish for?
Disney was SUCH an amazing experience that I would not trade for ANYTHING!
Mad Love.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Some day all of our Dreams will come to be.
MORE?! You want MOOOORE?!

Our whole "day one" travel group (minus Yushi). This was taken outside of the Louvre, on the way to Champs Elysees.

I don't know why I like this picture so much, but I just think it is so adorable. The sun on the Pyramid, the smiling faces, the closeness. I love it all.

My gorgeous Cali-Girl, Allison. I am amazed by her love every day! I am so blessed to have her in my life.

Potentially my favorite picture of the entire trip. I was trying to explain my "dog face" to everyone and Courtney and Allison clearly had their own renditions.

Inside The Louvre. Gotta have the classic mirrorXchingching going on.

Unfortunately I can't take credit for this beautiful photo... it belongs to my roommate, Caleb, who is has a wonderful eye for photography.

This one, however, I will take full credit for ;) Paris at night... just incredible.

Standing with my best friend, by the Eiffel Tower, watching it sparkle... Probably the most incredible experience of life.

Allison is gonna LoOoOove me for this one ;) On the bus home from Paris... Clearly SO excited to be leaving. NOT.
Be looking forward to DISNEYLAND pictures... because those are coming very soon!
Mad Love.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Where Were They Going Without Ever Knowing The Way?
As promised, I come bearing gifts of Paris.
I won't say much to start, since you've read the previous blog detailing my activities... but I will tell you these are just a glimpse of my trip. These are some of the photos I took, but I will be sharing other's pictures at a later date!

As promised, I come bearing gifts of Paris.
I won't say much to start, since you've read the previous blog detailing my activities... but I will tell you these are just a glimpse of my trip. These are some of the photos I took, but I will be sharing other's pictures at a later date!

The back of Sacre Coeur. The sky was SO amazingly blue and the weather was perfect for our first day in Paris.

The sun beaming across the side of Sacre Coeur. We couldn't have wished for a better day to take pictures!

My best girlfriends- Melissa, Allison, Courtney, and Me- outside of Sacre Coeur. Lookin' a little tired from our overnight bus ride!

Sacre Coeur. SO. STINKIN. BEAUTIFUL. (I'm sure the architect would just LOOOVE that I used the word "stinkin" to describe this gorgeous building. :-/ )

The first crepe stop of the day. Yushi loved the little french kitties.

Stepping out of the Metro and seeing The Louvre for the first time!

I have no idea what was happening in this picture... but I get a kick out of it every time I see it!!

The Pyramids at The Louvre.

The Mona Lisa... no big deal. =)

If anyone can decipher the name of this painting, I'd be forever grateful. The lighting is captured so wonderfully.

Amazed at the statues all over Paris.

The Christmas Market along the Champs Elysees.

Arc du Triomphe in the distance!

Senior Pictures in front of the Eiffel Tower!

Three of the Oklahoma kiddos!

Being silly with two of my favorite chicas =)

One of the MANY crepes I ate on this trip! This one was Apricot!!

Eiffel Tower at night!! So. Beautiful.

Allison and me... with yet ANOTHER crepe.

Notre Dame at night... SANCTUARY!

The side of Notre Dame. Even the alley ways in Paris are beautiful.

Sacre Coeur at night... SUPER. CREEPY.
Pretty amazing first day in Paris, huh?
I promise to post more pictures... there are TONS!!
Mad Love.
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